Sunday, April 25, 2010

When I have the time and money...

If I had the money this summer, I'd be going to the New Hampshire Literacy Institutes. I first learned about the program last year when I e-mailed Tom Romano with a question and his reply said he was on his way to New Hampshire to teach in the institute. Dr. Romano also recommended some books written by his institute colleages: Thomas Newkirk's Holding on To Good Ideas in a Time of Bad Ones, and Penny Kittle's Write Beside Them. Both are excellent reading and learning.

New Hampshire is on my list of "someday" goals. The instructors who gravitate to the institute are amazing, and I'm sure the experience is life altering for those fortunate enough to attend. When I was an undergrad, I heard about the power of the National Writing Project and put it on my list of "someday" goals. Thanks to a nudge from my classmate, Petra, I made that goal a reality last summer.

If any of you see me at a conference in, say, five to ten years, be sure to ask me if I've made it to NH yet!


  1. Katie, We can have a lemonade stand together and save up money this summer. Another experience that is on my "bucket list" is to spend a summer at the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College. (Why do all of these writers head to New England?) In ancient history, OCTELA (or some branch of it) awarded one Ohio Teacher a scholarship for the summer. Best of luck to you!

  2. Katie,
    I think this is a wonderful professional goal. If money were not the object, I think more of us would be able to experience the rich variety of resources and professional opportunities that are available. You are a very determined, passionate educator; you will get there one day!
