Saturday, February 6, 2010

Writing one sentence saved me three hours! Wanna know how?

Today I used writing in a way I never have before. I thought my day would be spent in Kent attending the EHHS Doctoral Forum and having lunch with a friend, but a foot of snow changed those plans.

Did you know you can save yourself hours of shoveling a long driveway by sending a text message, such as "Please plow 555 Street Address," to my neighbor? It's amazing how much I accomplished with one sentence and $25 cash (worth every penny, BTW). He replied with "Sure" and stopped by the house a few hours later. He then texted back letting me know I could leave the cash in his mailbox down the street. Thanks to the convenience of technology, and writing, one can clear a foot of snow from the driveway with 30 seconds' effort.

1 comment:

  1. How cool in different ways! First, that you were able to save yourself time and effort, but secondly, you were able to view the situation as a connection to the impact that technology and writing have on our lives.
    Stay warm :-)
